Attention Practitioners & Coaches Who Want A Simpler Tech Set Up:

Discover How A NEW Single Platform

Can Manage ALL The Tech You Need

While Giving You The Flexibility & Freedom You Crave.

If You’re Just Starting Out Or Are Using 7+ Platforms To Run Your Business And Would Like To Streamline & Simplify,

Then Read Every Word Below…

The Big ReveaImagel Party

Tuesday, April 25th 2023 at 12pm ET

In a moment, I’m going to show you how this NEW all-in-one platform solves ALL your tech woes so that you can:

  • get set up quickly

  • organize your online business

  • give your team transparency

  • save you loads of time

  • dramatically reduce the overwhelm you feel

(a tall order, I know.)

I’ve worked with practitioners and coaches for over a decade and there is one BIG thing that keeps them stuck at the start or stops them from growing:


Traditionally, tech is complicated, expensive, takes waaaay too long to set up and most professionals don’t even know how to use all of the platforms they pay for.

Think of tech like Lego. 

When you buy a Lego kit, you’re drawn to the ‘dream house’ outcome pictured on the box. It looks fun and simple enough despite the fact that there are hundreds of pieces. 

But then, you open the box, all of the pieces come pouring out and lay sprawled on the floor. It’s a mess. You don’t know where each piece goes or what it’s used for. You don’t know where to start.

You may be able to put a couple of pieces together but then get stuck. 

And each piece on its own is actually useless.

Unless you’re reallllllly good at following ALL of the instructions, one step at a time, those Lego pieces sit there unfinished, never to be touched again (until you step on one and then decide to put it away).

A complete waste of money.

Think of tech like Lego. 

When you buy a Lego kit, you’re drawn to the ‘dream house’ outcome pictured on the box. It looks fun and simple enough despite the fact that there are hundreds of pieces. 

But then, you open the box, all of the pieces come pouring out and lay sprawled on the floor. It’s a mess. You don’t know where each piece goes or what it’s used for. You don’t know where to start.

Maybe you put a couple of pieces together but then get stuck. 

And each piece on its own is actually useless.

Unless you’re reallllllly good at following ALL of the instructions, one step at a time, those Lego pieces sit there unfinished never to be touched again (until you step on one and then decide to put it away).

A complete waste of money.

At least that’s how I felt for years about my tech.

I would invest money into different tech platforms because I *thought* I needed each of them. If I added up the amount of money I’ve spent on tech platforms, well…

I actually don’t want to because I would cry.

The truth is---- I was too busy to learn how to use them properly and even when I did manage to learn and get one working, the other one would break. 

It was like I had all of these pieces; none of them fit together and I was constantly trying to connect them

Since my business was online, I did my best because I had no other choice. 

I would use the basic functions of each platform to get by, knowing that I was leaving money on the table and worst of all… wasting so much time having to manage all them all simply because I didn’t know how to build the ‘dream house.’ 

Unlike Lego, these tech platforms never came with instructions. 

It took me years to figure out how to fit all of the pieces together to make them all work and even when I did, it was like my ‘dream house’ was held together with duct tape. One wrong move and the whole house would crumble. 

And that’s exactly what happened…

As my email list grew, as my client-base grew, as my customer's needs grew, as I started to offer multiple programs and build my team, all of the tech started to break

None of my 7+ tech platforms ‘talked’ to each other and we wasted SO much time logging in and out of each one trying to find the answers we needed so that I could deliver the best possible client experience.

To say I was embarrassed and frustrated was an understatement…

There had to be an all-in-one platform that was internally connected so that I could do everything I wanted to do for my business, team and clients without breaking the bank. 

Look, I don’t know where you are in your online business journey but I do know this…

Growing an online business is complicated enough---

the tech shouldn’t be.

After many failed attempts and having to make a very expensive and very time-consuming switch from the 7+ platforms I was using, I moved my entire business (and team) to an all-in-one platform and never looked back. 

I finally built my ‘dream house’ and the flexibility and freedom that came along with it was magical

After months of development and beta testing, now it’s time for me to help you do the same.


A NEW All-In-One Platform Created Specifically For Practitioners & Coaches 

That Allows You To Manage ALL Of The Tech You Need To For Your Online Business While Giving You The Flexibility & Freedom You Crave.

Watch What Can Do

Whether you're a professional, self-taught or just getting started, subscribe to and replace almost all of the other tech platforms instantly.

Only 100 spots available.

Watch What Can Do.

Be one of the first one hundred professionals to subscribe to and build your lead magnet funnel in 7 days or less, live with me.

Only 100 spots available. includes ALL of the tech you need to start, grow and scale your online business...

(even if you’re a tech newbie).


Imagine having to login to ONE platform to run your entire online business. No more having to toggle between logins, managing 2-factor authentication or wasting time switching between 7+ platforms.


As a professional, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your clients get the best possible results when they invest in working with you. That means having their data at your fingertips and being able to make decisions that support their end result.


With, you’ll be able to cancel almost all of the tech platforms you would need to use or are using which means having more money available to invest back into your business.

Grow Your Audience

Ditch all of the tech platforms you needed to capture leads organically and with ads so you can grow your email list, Facebook group and more.

Nurture & Educate

Automatically email, message, SMS, DM and PM your audience based using pre-scheduled content that is personalized based on the actions your audience is taking.


Use the built-in enrollment tools to track leads, schedule consults and discovery calls, take payment, enroll clients, upsell, downsell and track all of the metrics in one spot.

Deliver Programs & Services

Enjoy seamless automated program, service delivery and client tracking without having to use any other tool while providing a stellar client experience.

THE TRUTH: If your goal is to work with clients online in any capacity, you need to use tech to do so.

There’s no getting around it

Trust me, I tried.

As a former nutritionist, all of the tech AND the systems I had to use were foreign to me. I resented having to learn and manage them… 

But then, I realized that building my ‘tech dream house,’ where everything I used on a daily basis was all under one roof, was the answer to getting my time and freedom back, not to mention a much simpler way to grow.

Whether you have a team or are currently a one-person operation, you can’t deny that it would be wonderful to have your very own ‘tech dream house’ too. 

And with now you can.

GROW YOUR AUDIENCE makes it easy to grow your email list, Facebook group, schedule social media, manage your ads and reply to comments--- all in one place.

  • Lead generation funnels to promote your lead magnet

  • Webinar registration funnels to get people signed up

  • Quizzes, surveys, forms and more

  • Schedule all of your social media content

  • Manage your Facebook and Instagram ads

  • Track email subscribers using tags

  • Track Facebook group members and follow ups

  • Schedule any type of appointments with automated reminders via SMS or email (or PM or DM’s)

  • Respond to PM’s or DM’s all in one place

  • Track ALL of your lead generation metrics on one dashboard

And much more!

NURTURE & EDUCATE gives you the ability to automate ALL of your nurture, education and marketing campaigns based on audience/client actions with real-time tracking--- all in one place.

  • Automated email marketing for leads and clients

  • Fully branded to your logo, colours and vibe

  • Customize nurture and educational content campaigns based on the needs of your audience and clients

  • Choreograph your new subscribers experience across all platforms

  • Create multi platform automated marketing campaigns with integrated SMS, social media and even Facebook Messenger

  • Respond in real-time to questions, customer service emails, DM’s and PM’s in one inbox (this is one of my favorite features)

  • Use your audience insights across all platforms to inform your content creation and marketing strategy decisions

  • Schedule all emails (to leads and clients) and social media

And much more!

ENROLLMENT gives you the ability to have a fully automated ‘pipeline’ enrollment process for any program, product or service you offer, complete the transaction and track the data--- all in one place.

  • Online calendar for bookings ANY type of call (consult, discovery or for clients)

  • Automated reminder messages via SMS, email and even Facebook messenger (this increases show up rates)

  • Intake forms, assessments and more can be automated based on the need

  • Fully integrated with your program, product or service delivery

  • Sales pages and checkout pages

  • Upsell and downsell automation based on the action taken (or not taken)

  • Track all leads using the built in pipeline tool (so you never forget to follow up with someone ever again)

  • Automate payment renewals

  • Automated decline sequences and follow up with the ability to disable membership access (this should never be done manually)

  • Fully branded to your logo, colours and vibe

  • Sales tracking and metrics in one convenient dashboard

And much more!

DELIVER PROGRAMS, PRODUCTS & SERVICES gives you the ability to offer an unlimited number of programs, products or services with ONE easy login for your clients and customers where you can manage it--- all in one place.

  • Customized membership sites/content hub

  • Automated program delivery

  • Offer free and paid programs

  • Client tracking and automation

  • Automated client communication

  • Client support via email, DM and PM all in one inbox

  • Automated client follow up

  • Client forms, intake assessments and surveys

  • Membership site synced with payment

  • Hosting for ALL content within the membership site

  • Fully branded to your logo, colours and vibe

And much more!

24/7 LIVE CHAT & WEEKLY ZOOM SUPPORT gives you real time 24/7 live chat support with multiple weekly Zoom support so that you can easily troubleshoot whatever you’re working on--- all in one place.

  • Easy to follow tech tutorials

  • Real-time live chat support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Multiple Zoom calls where you can screenshare and get real time help

  • Ticket support so that we can help manage bigger projects

  • Team access so that your team can do the work for you

  • A support team that actually knows how to help you (and really cares)

And much more!

BRAND FLOWI.IO AS YOUR OWN is like your very own ‘tech dream house’ that you get to design to your liking so that your brand is congruent across everything you do--- managed all in one place

  • Design all of your marketing pages and materials using your own brand colours, fonts and images

  • Use your own branded email address

  • Use your own domain branded to your business

  • Create your own branded email signature for all communications

  • Schedule your own branded content via email, social media and blog

  • Have all automated communications come from your branded email address

  • Design your membership site to match your program brand

  • Show up like a professional with your brand being front and center

And more!

Look, I know what you’re thinking… 


I assure you, it is not. is the NEW way practitioners and coaches will stand out from the crowd and offer a professional level of service without wanting to rip their hair out or cry in the bathroom because the tech is too hard. 

See how stacks up… 

So, How Do You Get Started?

If you’re still seeing this page, it means there’s still a spot for you

We have one hundred spots available and once they are taken, we will close sign-up access so that we can ensure that you have the best possible onboarding experience. 

Because growing an online business is complicated enough---

the tech shouldn’t be.

  • Simply click the button below and you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll enter your regular details and subscribe to

  • Then you’ll check your email in the next 5 minutes to access your brand new account.

A special gift for you…

FREE: A Fully Customizable Website Template For The First 15 Subscribers.

And as a special gift for you…

FREE: A Fully Customizable Website Template For The First 100 Subscribers.

PLUS These Bonuses!

24/7 LIVE chat support


Not many tech platforms offer this.

And if they do, the responses are usually generic and unhelpful.

Not with

You’ll receive helpful, quick, and friendly responses day and night, 7 days a week, getting all your questions answered in real time.

Multiple weekly LIVE tech support calls


Here at The Wellness Business Hub, we know just how confusing tech can feel.

That’s why I decided to offer LIVE tech support calls every single week.

You just need to fill out a simple form, and BAM! All your tech questions are sent to one of my in-house experts.

Then, show up live on Zoom or watch the recording to get a personal in-depth answer (plus you’ll have the option to watch previous recordings to get answers to other questions you might have).

Look, The Way I See It, You Have Two Options Here:


Continue to invest in multiple platforms that you don’t know how to use and that don’t come with the level of LIVE support offers. 

Waste hours of time and energy trying to figure out how to make them work together and then realize you can’t.

Have your team be frustrated because they can’t get the answers they need and you can’t track everything you need to make smart business decisions. 

Abandon them (like that box of Lego) and feel resentful that you can’t make it work. 



You click the button below and subscribe to and work with us to build your ‘tech dream house.’

After a detailed and thorough onboarding process with additional support from my team, you’ll start building or migrating any current tech over to

You’ll set up your first automated campaign, start building out the content hub for your program and share in the Facebook community just how easy it was… 

Just like one of happy subscribers:

So, can I help you build your ‘tech dream house?”

You’re going to feel so much relief once all your tech is running smoothly in the background, with only a few simple tweaks needed to keep it fresh and engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I don’t have any tech set up yet, should I get now?

A: Yes. If your goal is to work online with clients, then is your answer.

How does the subscription work?

A: is a monthly subscription where you will pay a set fee every 30 days. If you’re in Zero To Clients™, is free as long as you remain a client.

Are there additional fees?

A: Yes, for sending emails and texts.

You will receive a $10/month credit which covers sending 14,000 emails in one month. If you send more than 14,000 emails a month, then you will be charged $0.000709/per email. 

If you do not send more than 14,000 emails in one, you will not be charged any additional fee. 

Texting fees are $ 0.0075 / text (roughly $10 for 1250 texts). If you do not send texts, you will not be charged.

How does work?

A: is your all-in-one tech platform. For just one monthly fee, you have everything you need to capture leads, grow your audience, nurture, educate, enroll and deliver your programs, products or services. 

It also allows you to operate your business because it includes customer support, social media scheduling, pipeline management and email marketing.

How does it save time and money?

A: If you’re anything like me, your business was created from lots of different tech options that needed to be linked together. Maybe you used Zapier, an API, or plain brute force to get systems talking to each other.

But tech often goes wrong. So you end up losing clients (without even knowing it) or paying extortionate costs for a specialist to come in and fix it.

No more. is where all your marketing operations happen. That’s just one tab and one payment to cover ALL your tech.

Will I still need Zoom?

A: Yes, you will still need Zoom.

Can I brand as my own?

A: YES! Your clients will never know what is. Think of as your very own ‘tech dream house’ that you get to design exactly as you wish.

Will I still need platforms like Clickfunnels and ActiveCampaign?

A: No. replaces:

>ClickFunnels (or any system for marketing pages)

>ActiveCampaign (or any platform for email marketing) 

>Calendly (or any online scheduler) 

>Kajabi (or any platform for online program content hub) 

>HelpScout (or any platform for customer support) 

>Pipedrive (or any spreadsheets used to manage sales) 

>Hootsuite (or any platform to schedule social media)

Is there a cancellation policy?

A: You can cancel at any time and will not be charged at your next billing cycle.

Please note that when you cancel, you will no longer have access to ANY OF YOUR CONTENT, CLIENT LISTS, DATA, AUTOMATIONS, EMAILS, PROGRAMS OR ANY OTHER CONTENT IN

If you’re moving to another platform, you must do that before you cancel

What if I need to put my account on hold/pause?

A: No problem. You can put your account on hold for a $10/month AFTER you’ve been a subscriber for a minimum of 90 days for as long as you’d like. NOTE: that when you put your account on hold, you will not have access to use any part of your account. Putting your account on hold means that you are freezing your account, not cancelling and will not have access to use any of the account features during the time your account is on hold.

Do I need a tech degree to set it up?

A: Absolutely not. Our step-by-step checklists and instructional videos will get you up and running in no time at all. And if you have any questions, there is 24/7 chat support and weekly live Zoom calls available.

Does this use AI?

A: We’re leveraging AI in to make the tech setup even easier for you. No more manual processing, you’ll be able to get all your marketing campaigns sorted at a click of a button.

What support is available?

A: There’s 24/7 live chat support, a peer-support Facebook group, and if you prefer to talk in-person, jump on one of our weekly Zoom calls so we can fix it there and then.

Do you migrate my existing funnels and email list?

A: No. You are welcome to move any and all existing assets you have into and we will do our best to provide you with the tech support you need for a smooth transition.

What marketing channels does it include?

A: You can manage your email, SMS, DM’s, PM’s, social media, and even voicemail drops with Everything comes into one simple inbox for you (or a team member) to respond to.

No more missing support tickets! Plus- you can schedule all your marketing content in advance. You can choose to publish the same piece of content on all platforms at the same time if you’d like.

Can it handle payments?

A: Yes. You can send invoices directly to clients (one off or recurring) and manage any membership costs, all in one place. directly integrates with Stripe.

What reporting does it have?

A: offers reports on all tech platforms it’s linked to. 

Social media metrics? Done. 

Email open rate? Yup. 

Monthly revenue? You bet. 

Facebook ads dashboard. 100% 

Sales. Obviously. 

Customer support tickets. With ease.

Can my team also access my account?

A: Absolutely. Each team member can have their own account, plus free access to our peer support Facebook group.

I already have pipelines set up. Can I migrate them over to

A: Yes, you can easily migrate them over to

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